Home Assistant - Configuration
- Home Assistant Picture Entity Card
- Install Check Home Assistant configuration
- Setting Up Glances addon and Integration
- Home Assistant Update Sensor
- Update notifications! Core, HACS, Supervisor and Addons
- Setting Up The HTML5 Notify Platform
- Home Assistant Core Addon Support
Theme Requirements
Details and screenshots of this configuration can be found here:
Home Assistant Picture Entity Card
The Home Assistant image is required for the containers card and you will also need the following input text in you configuration
initial: Containers
initial: Version
Install Check Home Assistant Configuration
Install the Check Home Assistant configuration
from the Add-on store. You can use this add-on to check whether your configuration files are valid against the new version of Home Assistant before you actually update your Home Assistant installation. This add-on will help you avoid errors due to breaking changes, resulting in a smooth update.
There is an automation created to run before a new update is installed
- id: '1585256741683'
alias: Check config with update
description: Starts the check config addon when an update becomes available
- entity_id: binary_sensor.updater
platform: state
to: 'on'
condition: []
- data:
addon: core_check_config
service: hassio.addon_start
Setting Up Glances Addon and Integration
Install the Glances Home Assistant Addon from Supervisor > Add-on Store
Once Glances is configured and running setup the Home Assistant Integration
Note: The port of 61209 is important as this is what is used by the addon.
Home Assistant Update Sensor
To find out when a new version is available for your specific Home Assistant build, create the following sensor.
- platform: rest
resource: https://s3.amazonaws.com/hassio-version/stable.json
name: Latest Version
value_template: ""
scan_interval: 3600
This sensor will check once an hour for new version. Adjust ‘scan_interval’ to change this time frame. The interval is in seconds. (3600 seconds = 60 minutes = 1 hour)
You need to change “” to match your build type. The json output showing all the options is below.
"channel": "stable",
"supervisor": "138",
"homeassistant": {
"default": "0.81.5",
"qemux86": "0.81.5",
"qemux86-64": "0.81.5",
"qemuarm": "0.81.5",
"qemuarm-64": "0.81.5",
"intel-nuc": "0.81.5",
"raspberrypi": "0.81.5",
"raspberrypi2": "0.81.5",
"raspberrypi3": "0.81.5",
"raspberrypi3-64": "0.81.5",
"tinker": "0.81.5",
"odroid-c2": "0.81.5",
"odroid-xu": "0.81.5"
"hassos": {
"ova": "1.12",
"rpi": "1.12",
"rpi0-w": "1.12",
"rpi2": "1.12",
"rpi3": "1.12",
"rpi3-64": "1.12",
"tinker": "2.2",
"odroid-c2": "2.2"
"hassos-cli": "7"
Update notifications! Core, HACS, Supervisor and Addons
Thanks to CentralCommand for the excellent write up. If you require any assistance or further configuration please refer back the the post on the Home Assistant Community. I Take zero credit for any of this write up.
To start we need sensors that tell us when updates are available. For Core and HACS we’re good to go since those come standard with binary_sensor.updater for Core and sensor.hacs for HACS. However there is no sensor for Supervisor and its addons so we need to make one.
# Sensor to track available updates for supervisor & addons
- platform: command_line
name: Supervisor updates
command: 'curl http://supervisor/supervisor/info -H "Authorization: Bearer $(printenv SUPERVISOR_TOKEN)" | jq ''{"newest_version":.data.version_latest,"current_version":.data.version,"addons":[.data.addons[] | select(.version != .installed)]}'''
value_template: ""
- newest_version
- current_version
- addons
Warning - this code requires supervisor version 213
Supervisor is still in early stages and so clearly changes must be expected. If you haven’t updated to 213 yet then you’ll need to change .data.version_latest
above to .data.last_version
as it appears the response schema to this API was changed in that release.
- platform: template
# True if there's an update available for supervisor
friendly_name: 'Updater - Supervisor'
device_class: problem
- sensor.supervisor_updates
value_template: ""
availability_template: ""
# True if there's updates available for any HACS components
friendly_name: 'Updater - HACS'
device_class: problem
- sensor.hacs
value_template: ""
# True if there's updates available for any addons
friendly_name: 'Updater - Addons'
device_class: problem
- sensor.supervisor_updates
value_template: ""
Just like binary_sensor.updater
these will set themselves to on when the piece of HA they are tracking needs an update and be off otherwise.
Setting Up The HTML5 Notify Platform
The html5 notification platform enables you to receive push notifications to Chrome or Firefox, no matter where you are in the world. html5 also supports Chrome and Firefox on Android, which enables native-app-like integrations without actually needing a native app.
- platform: html5
vapid_pub_key: YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY
vapid_prv_key: YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY
vapid_email: YOUR_EMAIL
- Tip - When you come to domain validation in Google Cloud Platform and you are using your Naba Casa Address use this
URL - https://some-address.ui.nabu.casa/local/
- Tip - Place the
in the root of the www folder
- Tip - When you come to domain validation in Google Cloud Platform and you are using your Naba Casa Address use this
Now that we have these we can build alerts to notify me when something needs an update and then remind me periodically if I haven’t updated yet. I have the reminder time set to 6 hours but you can set it however you want.
# Update is available - un-acknowledgeable, auto-dismiss, me only
# Wait 5 minutes before first to give core config check time to run
name: HA has an update
entity_id: binary_sensor.updater
state: 'on'
can_acknowledge: false
- 5
- 360
title: 'Update for HA available'
message: "New version is . Currently on "
- firebase_home_assistant
- mobile_app_pixel_4_xl
tag: 'ha-update-available'
url: 'http://hassio.local/hassio/addon/core_check_config'
ttl: 21600
# Supervisor update is available - un-acknowledgeable, auto-dismiss, me only
name: Supervisor has an update
entity_id: binary_sensor.updater_supervisor
state: 'on'
can_acknowledge: false
repeat: 360
title: 'Update for HA Supervisor available'
message: "New version is . Currently on "
- firebase_home_assistant
- mobile_app_pixel_4_xl
tag: 'supervisor-update-available'
url: 'http://hassio.local/hassio/dashboard'
ttl: 21600
# HACS repos have updates available - unknowledgeable, auto-dismiss, me only
name: HACS repos have updates
entity_id: binary_sensor.updater_hacs
state: 'on'
can_acknowledge: false
repeat: 360
title: "Updates available in HACS repo"
message: ""
- firebase_home_assistant
- mobile_app_pixel_4_xl
tag: 'hacs-update-available'
url: 'http://hassio.local/hacs/installed'
ttl: 21600
# Addons have updates available - unknowledgeable, auto-dismiss, me only
name: Addons have updates
entity_id: binary_sensor.updater_addons
state: 'on'
can_acknowledge: false
repeat: 360
title: "Updates available for HA addon"
message: ""
- firebase_home_assistant
- mobile_app_pixel_4_xl
tag: 'addon-update-available'
url: 'http://hassio.local/hassio/dashboard'
ttl: 21600
Home Assistant Core Addon Support
‘a0d7b954_adguard’ is the add-on name hassio uses. To retrieve the name for your add-on, go to the supervisor panel, and then click on your addon. Once on the add-on page, look at the URL for that page in your browser. The name is at the end of the URL. For example this adguard add-on URL ends in ‘/hassio/addon/a0d7b954_adguard’
secret llt is a ‘long lived token’. To obtain a long lived token, go to your users profile page and scroll all the way to the bottom. Create a token and copy it in to your config. Once you close the window with the LLT you cannot view the token again so be sure to record it. My secret is formatted as follows:
llt: "Bearer adfasdfadsfadsfasdfasdfasdfNiJ9.eyJpc3adfasdfasdfTZlZWQ0Nzsuperlongstring of numberslettersetc"
Be sure to add the Bearer before the token and place the entire thing in quotes.
The rest sensor pulls the state of the add-on (if its running or not) and then also pulls the version
which is the current running version of the add-on. It also pulls last_version
which is the latest available version the add-on can pull. A later version may be available on Github, but the add-on hasn’t synced and doesn’t see the version yet.
- platform: rest
name: adguard
value_template: ''
scan_interval: 60
Authorization: !secret llt
Content-Type: application/json
json_attributes_path: "$.data"
- version
- last_version
Further examples can be found in my configuration here
The rest sensor may throw errors on startup if Home Assistant can’t pull the data on startup. I just ignore these as the sensor will continue to try to update and usually does on the second try.
Switch Template
Create a switch to show/control the add-on state and an automation to turn the other automation on at startup.
value_template: ""
service: hassio.addon_start
addon: a0d7b954_glances
service: hassio.addon_stop
addon: a0d7b954_glances
Further examples can be found in my configuration here
More information can be found here